Coding in Qualitative Software: Anxiety, Ease, and a powerful Hook for Educators

Coding is easily misunderstood as the ‘basic’ or ‘essential’ function of qualitative data analysis software. In this essay, I discuss how this misunderstanding connects to the technical ease of coding in software; to wide-spread anxiety concerning doing methodologically driven analysis; and to common contexts in which software use is taught.

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Pulling a Random Sample from a CAQDAS Dataset

In this guide (PDF), you will learn how to pull a random sample from a CAQDAS dataset, using the random cell function in Excel. Ellen Bechtol and I will introduce this process using MAXQDA11. The process in Excel can also be applied to data from other Qualitative Data Analysis software packages. This guide was produced in the Program Development & Evaluation Unit, University of Wisconsin - Cooperative Extension.  Download the guide here from the UW-Extension website. 

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Translating in a Fishbox - A few reflections sparked by Silver & Woolf's CAQDAS Pedagogy

After looking at my curriculum on question generation using QDA software, Daniel Turner (founder & director of the QDA software company Quirkos) pointed me to a recent article on CAQDAS pedagogy  by Silver & Woolf. I was happy to see that the discussion around QDA software and teaching is picking up – and I think the article is a must-read for anyone reflecting on their own teaching strategies and teaching experiences. Daniel asked me whether I think that my curriculum is complementary to Silver and Woolf’s approach. I think it is – so I jotted down a few thoughts.

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What Qualitative Data Analysis software can and can’t do for you – an intro video

This is a brief intro video on what qualitative data analysis software can do, and what it can't do. It explores the functionality of qualitative data analysis software by distinguishing four main functions: Organization of Data, Annotation of Data, Searching of Data, and Display of Data. 

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