Building Evaluation Capacity with Data Jams

In this two-webinar series, I'll show you how to organize Data Jams in your organization, institution or research team. Data Jams are a powerful Research & Evaluation Capacity Building model that focuses on concrete analysis techniques and guided collaborative data exploration, unlike top-down software or methods trainings that are disconnected from the analysts' projects and needs.

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Translating in a Fishbox - A few reflections sparked by Silver & Woolf's CAQDAS Pedagogy

After looking at my curriculum on question generation using QDA software, Daniel Turner (founder & director of the QDA software company Quirkos) pointed me to a recent article on CAQDAS pedagogy  by Silver & Woolf. I was happy to see that the discussion around QDA software and teaching is picking up – and I think the article is a must-read for anyone reflecting on their own teaching strategies and teaching experiences. Daniel asked me whether I think that my curriculum is complementary to Silver and Woolf’s approach. I think it is – so I jotted down a few thoughts.

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Interview Question Generation & Qualitative Data Analysis Software: A modularized Curriculum

With this modularized curriculum, participants can generate a question guide for open and semi-structured interviews while actively using basic functions of a qualitative data analysis software. The idea behind this curriculum is to facilitate the meaningful, critical, and task-centered integration of qualitative data analysis software into methodology teaching.

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