Three Intro Videos on Qualitative Data Analysis Software
In this series of intro videos, i provide an overview over the general functionality of Qualitative Data Analysis software, the academic discourse around the tool, and I give some hints on choosing the right software for your project.
Part 1: General Functionality
In this first video, I talk about the general functions of QDA software: organizing data, annotating data, searching through data, and displaying data.
Part 2: The academic discourse around QDA software
In this second video of the three-part series, I talk about the discourse around QDA software, and about common hopes and fears connected with using software in qualitative research. I specifically discuss issues around saving & losing time, about closeness to & distance from data, on methodological advances & orthodoxies, on transparency, and on teamwork with QDA software.
part 3: Choosing the right software for your project
In this last video, I provide some hints on choosing the right software for your project.
Thumbnail image via flickr creative commons by IsaacAPPhotography; image sharpness and color hues were changed.